Strobe Light Effect. Pericolele Expunerii la Flashuri Puternice de Lumini Stroboscopice / Flicker Light (TV, Desene Animate, Filme, Cluburi, Concerte, Jocuri Video)


Strobe Light Effect – un Fenomen Periculos putin cunoscut de către oameni

Exista un fenomen periculos pe care foarte multi oameni NU il cunosc si la care se expun cu efecte nocive asupra creierului si sanatatii. Este vorba de Strobe Light Effect / Lumina stroboscopica / Flash Light Effect / Light Flickers.


-Flash-uri luminoase scurte, puternice si repetate foarte rapid unul dupa altul, direct in ochii telespectatorului sau spectatorului care se expune;- Prajesc Ochii si mai ales Creierul spectatorului cu efecte negative imediate sau pe termen mediu si lung;

– Aceste bombardamente cu flashuri de lumini sunt prezente: la TV, in Desene Animate, in Filme, Jocuri Video, in Cluburi, la Concerte etc;

Expunerea chiar si cateva milisecunde sau cateva secunde poate provoca crize epileptice, efecte nocive puternice asupra creierului, lesin sau lucruri si mai rele;

– Oamenii se expun (pe ei si pe copiii lor!!!) la aceste “jocuri de lumini” aparent nevinovate si distractive pentru ca NU cunosc cat de periculoase sunt;

– Efecte Strobe Light (flashuri periculoase de lumina stroboscopica / pulsatorie) se pot intalni si in timpul mersului cu masina – de la lumina soarelui intrerupta de copaci sau garduri, noaptea de la liniile discontinue vopsite alb puternic reflectorizant pe sosea, de la turbinele eoliene care se invart si blocheaza soarele intermitent etc. Dar, de departe cele mai periculoase sunt efectele Strobe Light create de om cu lumina artificiala puternica – la TV, in Filme si Desene animate, in Cluburi si la CONCERTE;

Nimeni NU ii avertizeaza pe oameni cu privire la acest pericol. Copiii se expun singuri sau alaturi de parinti fara sa aiba habar cat de daunatoare este lumina stroboscopica intrata direct in ochi asupra creierului si sanatatii in general;

– NU exista legislatie care sa protejeze oamenii de aceasta expunere toxică la Strobe Light;

– NU doar pacientii diagnosticati cu epilepsie pot avea crize epileptice, convulsii sau alte probleme medicale de la Strobe Light, ci si oamenii perfect sanatosi;

– Cu cat Rapiditatea si Alternanta flashurilor de lumina stroboscopica sunt mai mari, cu atat pericolul este mai mare;

– Efectul negativ este dat si de lumina stroboscopica de alte culori, nu doar de cea alba puternica;

– Intensitatea, culorile, patternul luminii (formele sub care sunt lansate asupra publicului), viteza intre flashuri, nivelul de intuneric dinainte de flash-uri etc sunt elemente care conteaza in gradul de periculozitate al luminii stroboscopice proiectate;

In 1997 peste 700 de copii au facut crize epileptice si au ajuns la spital dupa ce au urmarit un episod de desene animate cu efecte Strobe Light;

Efectul este cu atat mai periculos cand flashurile de lumina sunt proiectate brusc in momente de intuneric – socul asupra organismului fiind astfel mult mai mare (acest lucru se intampla obligatoriu in Cluburi, Cinematografe si la toate CONCERTELE cu proiectii luminoase tinute noaptea);

– Oamenii care tin la sanatatea lor fizica si mentala sunt datori:
1. Sa cunoasca acest fenomen;
2. Sa recunoasca efectul Strobe Light pentru a se putea feri de el;
3. Sa previna expunerea lor si a copiilor lor la Strobe Light (sa isi dea seama dinainte ca filmul / concertul pe care urmeaza sa il urmareasca le va praji creierul cu Strobe Light si sa nu se expuna la asa ceva);
4. Sa avertizeze si pe altii care nu stiu nimic despre asta.


NIMENI nu le spune oamenilor despre pericolul Strobe Light.

Nici Doctorii nu-si avertizeaza pacientii sa nu se expuna la Strobe Light, probabil pentru ca nici ei nu cunosc acest pericol.Nici Televiziunile sau Cinematografele care ii bombardeaza pe oameni cu productii video pline de lumini stroboscopice, NU ii avertizeaza pe oameni cu privire la pericolele expunerii la Strobe Light.

Nici Organizatorii de Concerte cu lumini puternice de tip Flash Light / Strobe Light NU spun nimic spectatorilor inainte de cumpărarea biletelor că vor fi expusi in cadrul spectacolului unor doze imense de Strobe Light cu efect puternic negativ asupra creierului si care pot cauza crize epileptice cu convulsii, PE LOC.

Nici Primăriile care dau aprobare de organizare a acestor spectacole cu lumini stroboscopice periculoase NU intreaba nimic pe organizatori despre utilizarea Strobe Light asupra oamenilor si nici NU spun nimic celor care vor participa la aceste spectacole cu privire la pericolele luminii stroboscopice.


Cine Aproba folosirea Strobe Light asupra oamenilor si cine Aplica Strobe Light asupra adultilor si copiilor ESTE RESPONSABIL

Evenimentele si Programele Video care contin Flashuri de Lumini Stroboscopice realizate de anticrestini si antiromani, precum FILME, Desene Animate, Jocuri Video, Concerte Neversea, Untold etc au aceste elemente de Strobe Light INTENTIONAT pentru a prăji creierul oamenilor si a le scadea capacitatea fizica si intelectuala de a intelege realitatea lumii si de a se elibera din sclavia moderna in care traim cu totii.Ceilalti care folosesc lumini stroboscopice la diferite evenimente, cred ca sunt doar COMPLET NEINFORMATI cu privire la PERICOLELE acestor lumini asupra creierului uman la adulti si copii. Un crestin căruia îi pasă de sanatatea telespectatorilor sau spectatorilor pe care i-a adus in fata unui ecran sau la un eveniment, NU trebuie sa foloseasca astfel de lumini stroboscopice pulsatorii periculoase pentru creierul si sanatatea omului!




(Copii, Tineri si Adulti care se duc sa-si prajeasca creierul de buna voie)



The Bucha EffectLet’s look at the history of disorientation caused by strobe light exposure. The phenomenon that occurs when a person experiences dizziness and confusion when exposed to strobe lighting was first identified by a Dr. Bucha in the 1950s when he was asked to investigate a series of unexplained helicopter crashes.

After the crashes, surviving crew members said they experienced dizziness and disorientation from the strobing effect of rotating helicopter blades. The crews reported looking up at the sky with the rotors spinning above, creating the strobing effect that caused the disorientation. The rotor blades of the helicopter caused the sunlight to strobe in the eyes of the pilots, causing them to lose control of their machines. Dr. Bucha’s first name has been lost to history, but this phenomenon has been known as the Bucha effect ever since.

Here are some of the claims that are made in regard to the effects of a strobe light exposure.

Disorients the suspect
Diminishes an assailant’s night adaptation
Causes a disruption to the subject’s vision, which affects his or her ability to use force
Provides a visual and psychological hurdle to aggression
Decreases the suspect’s direct and peripheral vision
Induces fear
Let’s take a more in-depth look at some of these claims.

Flash/strobe disorientation is the result of an “after image” or temporary visual imprint caused by a brief exposure to high-intensity light levels. This image varies with light level and time duration or frequency of the exposure. The disorientation occurs as specific light frequencies affect the brain and the light cycles through those frequencies too fast for the brain to adjust.

But it was he and his colleagues, Edward Boyden and Feng Zhang, who took those previous discoveries and devised a practical way to turn neurons on and off with light.

With his own lab, in concert with other researchers, he began to pursue two projects. The one for which he was hired was low risk, involving stem cells and methods to enhance the growth of neurons. The second was the possibility of using light to control brain cells.



Strobe Lighting

What is a Strobe

– A strobe is a device giving a fast series of very short intense light flashes. These pulses can be achieved by either mechanical or electrical means. The light pulses can have the effect of making action appear intermittent, or of freezing movement altogether, by varying the frequency (speed) of the flashes.

– Strobe lighting used in the entertainment industry is usually produced either electrically by using a special strobe lamps (normally Xenon filled flash tube), or mechanically using metal shutters in front of a lamp (normally used on moving lights).

What Can Go Wrong?

– When using stroboscopic lighting effects, a key concern must be safety.
A proportion of people with photo-sensitive epilepsy may be affected by strobe lighting, and the effect may also produce undesirable sensations amongst the general population if used without due regard.

– Certain people with epilepsy and photosensitivity may suffer a seizure if exposed to flashing or strobe lighting

– Disturbed vision leading to trips or falls.

Legal/BBC Requirements

There are no specific legal requirements to draw to your attention.


How light affects our brain’s performance: Photic memory for executive brain responses

It has long been known that light exerts powerful effects on the brain and on our well-being. Light is not only required for vision but is also essential for a wide range of “non-visual” functions including synchronization of our biological clock to the 24h day-night cycle. A novel photoreceptor has now been shown to be an essential component for relaying light information to a set of so-called non-visual centers in the brain. Continuous changes in light throughout the day also change us, new research suggests.



Hazardous Effects of Light Stimulation in the Central Nervous System

We are continually exposed to various visual stimuli in our contemporary society. Temporal frequency characteristics of the neural response to visual stimuli have been reported: Some temporal stimulation frequencies enhance neural responses and these frequencies are harmonically related, with a greatest common divisor frequency of approximately 6.5 Hz. Such stimuli, especially when high in temporal frequency, sometimes cause unexpected events such as photosensitive seizures. High–temporal–frequency visual stimuli can yield hazardous responses in the central nervous system. The mechanisms by which it does so have begun to be clarified using neuro imaging techniques such as magnetoencephalography. In addition, our knowledge about the relationship between the neural response to the high–temporal–frequency visual stimuli andfatigue in the central nervous system is increasing. Furthermore, the neural mechanisms to cause fatigue in the central nervous system by the visual stimuli has begun to be clarified. In this review, we describe the temporal frequency characteristics of the neural response to visual stimuli and the potential hazardous effects of high–temporal–frequency visual stimuli, particularly focused on the fatigue in the central nervous system.

One of the most serious events is photosensitive seizures (PSS’s) caused by watching television broadcast materials or playing video games. In 1997, approximately 700 young people were rushed to hospitals and treated for seizure symptoms in Japan. They were watching animated cartoon series, “Pocket Monsters”, on television [5–7]. The cartoon contained 12 Hz red/blue flicker images lasting for 4 seconds, and it was considered that watching these images induced the “Pocket Monster” incident. There have been similar incidents in which many young people in various countries caused neuropsychological abnormalities, including PSS’s, while watching television programs [8,9]. It is considered that the temporal frequency and brightness of visual stimuli are the two primary factors producing such events [8,10]. Such stimuli, especially when high in temporal frequency, sometimes cause unexpected events such as photosensitive seizures. High–temporal–frequency visual stimuli may yield hazardous responses in the central nervous system.

It has been believed that stimulation frequencies between 15 and 25 Hz can provoke seizure activity in the brain [9]. Broadcasting of high–temporal–frequency (> 3 Hz) strobe light is prohibited in some countries [11,12], although the scientific basis for this prohibition is still insufficient. Most of the patients with PSS’s are children or adolescents, and that few healthy adults are affected by the hightemporal– frequency strobe light [8]. However, even in the healthy adult population, high–temporal–frequency visual stimulation can potentially cause abnormalities in the central nervous system functioning such as photo paroxysmal responses and occipital spikes [1–4].



Photosensitive Epilepsy

People with photosensitive epilepsy have seizures that are triggered by:
Flashing lights
Bold, contrasting visual patterns (such as stripes or checks)
Overexposure to video games

Anti-epileptic medicines are available to reduce the risk of a seizure. But people with photosensitive epilepsy should take steps to minimize their exposure to seizure triggers.

What Causes Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes recurrent seizures (more than two). A seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Epilepsy may be the result of:
Irregularity in the wiring of the brain
Imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain)
Combination of these factors
In photosensitive epilepsy, genetics also plays a role.
About one in 100 people in the U.S. have epilepsy. About 3% to 5% of those people have photosensitive epilepsy.
Children and adolescents ages 7 to 19 are more likely to have photosensitive epilepsy. Girls are affected by the condition more often than boys. But boys tend to have more seizures. That’s probably because they spend more time playing video games, a common seizure trigger.

What Causes Seizures in People With Photosensitive Epilepsy?
Seizure triggers vary from person to person.
But some common triggers are:
Flashing light
Bright, contrasting patterns such as white bars against a black background
Flashing white light followed by darkness
Stimulating images that take up your complete field of vision, such as being very close to a TV screen
Certain colors, such as red and blue

Some specific examples of situations or events that can trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy are:
Nightclub and theater lights, including strobe lights
TV screens and computer monitors
Flashing lights on police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and safety alarms
Visual effects in movies, TV shows, and video games
Malfunctioning fluorescent lights and moving escalators
Light viewed through a fast-moving ceiling fan
Sunlight viewed through slanted blinds or stair railings
Sun shining through tree leaves or reflecting off water
Bold, striped wallpaper and fabric
Cameras with multiple flashes or many cameras flashing at the same time

Also, people with photosensitive epilepsy may be at increased risk for a seizure if they are:
Play video games too long without a break


Why Do Flashing Images Cause Seizures?

But the mechanisms by which seizures occur in humans are not yet fully understood. Right now, scientists think that one or multiple areas of the cortex can be stimulated by flashing or striped patterns, triggering abnormal, wave-like electrical activity inside the neurons of the cortex.

Scientists also know the characteristics of imagery that apparently triggers abnormal brain activity. Brightness appears to be the most intense trigger, followed by the rate at which an image flashes. Certain colors, like red, and patterns, like parallel lines and stripes, can induce seizures, too.

Even when an image isn’t intended as a weapon, it can inadvertently trigger epilepsy. Perhaps the most famous example occurred in 1997, when hundreds of Japanese children were taken to the hospital after suffering from seizures, vomiting blood, fainting or becoming dizzy while watching an episode of Pokémon. The culprit was a sequence during which red and blue lights flashed onscreen after a bomb exploded onscreen—which makes sense, given that red and blue stimuli have been tied to seizures for over a century.


Photosensitive Epilepsy: How Light Can Trigger Seizures

Speed or flicker (including fluorescent lighting)

Flickering or “high frequency” light sources are often triggering for those with photosensitive epilepsy. Frequencies of about 5-30 flashes per second are more likely to induce a light-triggered seizure. Common triggers might include television programs, cartoons, movies, video games, and concerts.

Fluorescent lighting poses its own special risk. Studies have shown that faulty fluorescent lights which produce a visible flicker can trigger epileptic brain activity. In addition, although researchers remain mixed, fluorescents as well as certain LED, television and computer screens can create an invisible flicker that is picked up the brain and could lead to seizures or elevated neurological activity. This may explain why many photosensitive epilepsy patients have cited fluorescent lights and other screen-related devices as prime triggers for seizures.

Intensity, brightness and contrast

Bright, sudden lights have a greater effect on the brain than softer, gentler ones. Strobe lights, camera flashes, and movie theaters thus carry the risk of a potential seizure. The light-to-dark ratio or contrast of a light source may also play a role in causing or triggering a seizure. This juxtaposition of intensely bright light followed by a sharp decrease in brightness (or vice versa) can cause the brain to become overstimulated.

SURSA si multe alte detalii a link-ul urmator (cica efectele sunt asupra pacientilor diagnosticati cu epilepsie, dar CUM AM PUTEA SA CREDEM CA DOAR CREIERUL LOR ESTE AFECTAT de acest bombardament de lumini?):


‘The Hobbit’ and Other Movies That Will Make You Sick (and May Kill You)

Traditionally, films have been shot and projected in 24 frames per second. With The Hobbit films, Jackson moved to 48 frames per second, which apparently looks more like the digital video shot for ESPN and daytime television than what we’re used to seeing in a feature film. A byproduct of the digital age, indeed. (If you’re not afraid to check out The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in 48fps 3D, check out the list of theaters capable of projecting it.)

Besides the aesthetics, the new format caused some viewers to experience vertigo and disorientation—a phenomenon called “movie hurl”—which, to be fair, some directors would love to inspire. Horror filmmakers in particular have been moving from the terror of what the audience doesn’t see to literally terrorizing viewers with the most graphic and nauseating imagery imaginable.

The fact is, plenty of movies have caused actual physical distress beyond squeamishness. Some have been simply due to photosensitive epilepsy, which can trigger seizures from bright, strobing, or cyclic light in those afflicted. Other movies, however, have provoked such profound reactions that they have been blamed for the deaths of viewers.

Breaking Dawn (Part One)
The birth scene in the sparkly vampire flick reportedly caused at least nine people to begin convulsing, according to CBS. No, the convulsions weren’t caused by the acting, but by the intense flashes of red and white light projected on screen. (Image)

OK, so it’s not a movie. But in 1997, the flashes of light that accompanied the Pokemon TV episode “Electric Soldier Porygon” sent hundreds of Japanese kids to the hospital for epileptic seizures. The episode was never shown again.



Seizure warning issued for some scenes in “Incredibles 2”

“Incredibles 2” is “filled with tons of strobe/flashing lights,” and explained that people with photosensitive epilepsy aren’t the only ones who could be affected — those who suffer from migraines, vision impairments, seizure conditions, vertigo (specifically flicker vertigo), autism, ADHD, and PTSD could also experience a reaction to the images.

So, the villain’s weapon of choice in the movie is bright white lights that are at a rapidly flashing/strobing frequency, with the intent to disorient people. One of these scenes lasts over 90 seconds with continuous strobe light, other scenes last anywhere from 5-30 seconds.

These scenes are also spread out across the movie and often come without warning. My descriptive audio device warned me about the larger scenes, but other times it was light strobe lights came out of nowhere for no reason.

Video games, some music videos, live concerts, theme park attractions, and even consumer electronics provide warnings about strobe lighting effects and the potential for seizures and other adverse effects. Why not have the same thing be done for a movie targeted at kids?


(Comentariu Ce-i cu noi?: persoana care atrage atentia mai sus asupra efectului Strobe Light din Incredibles 2 habar n-are ca prezenta Strobe Light in filmul de desene animate este perfect intentionata pentru a praji creierul adultilor si copiilor care se expun. Ei i se pare in regula filmul, cu tot cu strobe light nociv, atata timp cat exista o avertizare afisata la cumpararea biletelor. Cata naivitate…)

On Saturday, the Epilepsy Foundation issued a statement calling for the same.

“To avoid any serious medical incidents, the Epilepsy Foundation is requesting that Disney Pixar post a warning on all its digital properties, including relevant websites and social media channels, about what has been described as ‘flashing’ and ‘strobe’ lights in its ‘Incredibles 2’ movie,” the organization said in a statement. “There should be a warning of the potential effects on people with visual sensitive epilepsy or migraine features.”

“‘Incredibles 2’ contains a sequence of flashing lights which may affect customers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy or other photo sensitivities,” the signs read.



Visual Health Effects and Wind Turbines

In addition to noise pollution wind turbines also have visual burdens.

The health impact of visual burdens cannot be underestimated. An epidemiology study conducted by World Health Organization determined a “bad view out of window” increased the risk for depression by 40%. The same study also demonstrated disturbance by noise and sleep disturbance by noise increased the risk of depression 40%, and 100% respectively.

In addition to visual burdens wind turbines create noise pollution which can cause annoyance, stress and sleep disturbance.

In light of these statistics it is expected that people may suffer adverse health effects from visual and noise impacts of wind turbines.

Rotating wind turbine blades interrupt the sunlight producing unavoidable flicker bright enough to pass through closed eyelids, and moving shadows cast by the blades on windows can affect illumination inside buildings. This effect is commonly known as shadow flicker.

Wind turbine shadow flicker has the potential to induce photosensitive epilepsy seizures however the risk is low with large modern models and if proper planning is adhered to. Planning should ensure the flash frequency does not exceed three per second, and the shadows cast by one turbine on another should not have a cumulative flash rate exceeding three per second.

Wind turbine shadow flicker induced adverse human health effects include annoyance and/or stress.

Most jurisdictions do not have explicit regulations to protect people from the adverse health effects of shadow flicker.



TPU – Ieri am lesinat la un concert

Buna TPU, ieri am lesinat la un concert, in timp ce ma aflam in fata de tot. Cred ca luminile mi-au cam provocat o vedere bruiata, insa la un moment dat nu am mai vazut nimic si am lesinat. Dupa ce am fost scoasa de bgs m-au dus la cortul de prim ajutor si aveam pupilele foarte dilatate! Tin sa mentionez ca nu ma droghez, cei drept bausem putina vodka si putina bere ( nemancand ). Tipa de la urgente, m-a bagat in sperieti intrebandu-ma de epilepsie. Nu am facut spume la gura, dar am avut convulsii! Va rog frumos, daca puteti sa ma ajutati sa-mi spuneti si mie dupa parerea voastra ce ar putea fii. 
P.S: cineva mi-a zis ceva de o cadere de calciu, doamne fereste sa fie epilepsie, tin sa mentionez ca nimeni din familia mea nu a avut asa ceva. Ajutati-ma, va rog puppy dog eyes!



ALTE INFO: – strobe light de la radarele auto cu camerele foto cu blitz iti pot praji ochii


ATENTIE: A se urmari video nu direct spre ecran si DOAR CATEVA SECUNDE pentru a vedea giganticul bombardament Strobe Light:




UPDATE Strobe Light:

5 iul 2019: Prima noapte la Neversea: Aproape 300 de persoane au avut nevoie de îngrijiri medicale

Aproape 300 de persoane au avut nevoie de asistenţă medicală în prima noapte a festivalului Neversea, care se desfăşoară în aceste zile la Constanţa. Şase persoane au fost transportate la spital pentru investigaţii amănunţite, a anunţat ISU Constanţa.

216 adulţi şi 75 de minori au ajuns în noaptea de joi spre vineri la posturile de prim ajutor instalate în cadrul festivalului Neversea, care se desfăşoară în aceste zile la Constanţa, au anunţat reprezentanţii ISU Constanţa.

„Astfel, după prima noapte, un număr de 216 adulţi şi 75 minori au avut nevoie de asistenţă medicală la punctele de Prim Ajutor Medical şi la Posturile Medicale Avansate. Din acestea, şase persoane au fost transportate la spital pentru investigaţii medicale amănunţite”, a transmis ISU Constanţa.

Cei mai mulţi participanţi au cerut ajutor medical pentru insolaţie, zgârieturi sau după ce au leşinat.




Emilian, 4 iul 2019,

11 responses to “Strobe Light Effect. Pericolele Expunerii la Flashuri Puternice de Lumini Stroboscopice / Flicker Light (TV, Desene Animate, Filme, Cluburi, Concerte, Jocuri Video)

  1. Toate sursele de lumina care folosesc tehnologia LED si sunt alimentate la curent alternativ de 50Hz sunt niste stroboscoape la care ne expunem voluntar mai multe ore pe zi: tvLED, iluminatul casnic, iluminatul stradal.

    • La LEDuri se pare ca e importanta SURSA de curent – de la retea ledurile fac efect pulsatoriu. De la Baterie/acumulator zice supravietuireaz in comentariu ca ar fi in regula.

  2. Multi tineri, chiar foarte tineri – unii dintre ei cred ca nici nu sunt inca la liceu !
    Pur si simplu cu priviri golite, bâțâindu-se ca si cand ar fi in transa … pe un ritmuri de origine africană !
    Reacțiile, discernământul și conștiența modificate în urma consumului de alcool, energizante și/sau droguri! Face cineva legatura cu păgânismul și cu voodoo ?!
    Mascota umana care se balanganea pe deasupra capului participantilor mă duce cu gândul la îngerii căzuti. ”Fain” aleasă tema!

  3. „Kaufland România se alătură pentru al treilea an consecutiv campaniei „Bac de 10” pentru a sprijini educația elevilor din România, împreună cu partenerii de la UNTOLD și NEVERSEA. ” Poftim ??? In ce fel se sprijina educatia in Romania cu bilete gratuit la concerte dubioase ? Nu tot Kaufland erau sponsorii acelor carti/brosuri in care se promova teoria de gen si agenda lgbt..qxy……z..etc?
    ATENTIE !!! In program sunt inclusi DOAR elevii cu 10 la bacalaureat. Adica acei elevi ce reprezinta varful fiecarei generatii, acei elevi care au studiat foarte mult si temeinic, acei elevi cere reprezinta o sansa reala pentru ridicarea generatiei lor si acestui neam, acei elevi pentru care “distractia” este ceva ce nu intra in sfera lor de preocupare. Prin “agatarea” lor cu bilete gratuite poate macar o parte dintre ei vor fi “normalizati” adica distrasi de la ceea ce este cu adevarat important pentru destinul lor , performanta va fi data la cosul de gunoi si inlocuita cu “untoalde si nevarsei”.
    Elevii de 10 ar trebuii sa fie foarte atenti la aceste daruri otravite, frumos impachetate ca sa gadile orgoliul dar foarte nocive pentru cei ce le accepta.
    Nu este o practica noua. Imi aduce aminte de ceva similar si la fel de murdar ca acesta “oferta”. Cred ca anul trecut se intampla asta. Unor eleve romance, castigatoare a unor medalii de aur si premii la diferite olimpiade internationale li s-au oferit ca semn de “apreciere” niste vauchere gratuite la o clinica de avorturi. Adica , mesajul ar fi ” lasati invatatura is apucativa de sex la liber si pruncucidere.”
    Asadar mafia are diferite “programe” pentru copii : pentru cei obisnuitit “platesti ca sa-ti faci rau” iar pentru cei talentati, binecuvantati de Dumnezeu cu mai multe daruri decat ceilalti (sau pentru cei care chiar daca au primit mai putini talanti iau inmultit bine) “platim noi ca sa-ti faci rau”.

  4. Tot sistemul e “bine” gandit de la inceput….e o caracatita care a acaparat tot…
    Baza e inchisoarea -bordel planetar..
    Cel mai simplu e sa controlezi/manipulezi turma prin vicii de tot felul, de asta se promoveaza/exacerbeaza la greu, permanent….iar exceptiile, cei fara vicii/cu mai putine vicii sunt considerati prosti, pocaiti, nebuni, ce trebuie eliminati prin orice mijloace….

    • Si din acest motiv Ortodoxia este considerata dusmanul de moarte al “sistemului” / mafiei internationale, pentru ca ea ii invata pe oameni sa lupte cu viciile si sa nu se lase pacaliti de cel rau. Cei care stau aproape de ortodoxie si practica ortodoxia pot dezvolta imunitate la vicii, deci rezistenta la manevrele mafiei de inselare si exploatare a oamenilor.

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